Again Hillary Lies; We Can Not Allow The Lies To Continue
Simple Enough, Hillary Lies! She continues getting away with her lies after lies. She is not prosecutable, she lives over the law, the law means nothing to her and her adulterous abusive husband. She was basically convicted by FBI Director Comey in almost 15 minutes of describing item after item she lied about, and in a final couple of minutes said he didn’t recommend sending a recommendation to prosecute to the Justice Department. Being stupid is not an excuse from prosecution in this matter.
But it is the way the Clinton’s do their business. They do it with lies after lies to help cover up the real bottom lines. People who are their adversaries, have been put under scrutiny more than supporters, and even some, have come up dead.
It is all summed up by words from your POTUS just yesterday in a Hillary Campaign Stop in Ohio…”There has NEVER been a man or woman more qualified to be president than Hillary Clinton.”..Straight from the mouth of the worst democrat president in this nations history.
In my 66 years of loving my country, I have never felt the hatred I do for my government as I do currently. It is not the fact she will not be prosecuted, but rather I am so ashamed of the folks that actually support her and Obama. Both who have torn this country apart so bad by their politically correct demands on us all. They have weakened our military to its lowest ever. In the last 8 years they have slapped our military leaders with restraint after restraint cutting funds for our most critical parts and programs. I wont even go into how I feel about the Benghazi Affair. Both Hillary and Obama will have to scrub for years to wash the blood of our lost souls that night. Again, Hillary Lies.
They have allowed our most liberal colleges to turn into not much more than baby sitting services. And we are supposed to be free from religious persecution, that is all religions except Christianity. As a Christian we cant use the word God in public. This nation was founded on that word. Our current president has all but removed it most everywhere. And finally, our country has stood by with doors wide open and letting anyone come in with little or no documentation or proof of who they are, and they have done it ILLEGALLY!!
But legal laws dont seem to matter to Hillary or Bill Clinton. And the POTUS makes it up as he goes when it comes to laws and his penmanship of careless Executive Orders.
But what confuses me the most is there are a lot of people who totally support Hillary and her lies. She acts above the law, and allowing her husband to get away with abusive behaviors towards women, including rape. She wants the top job in this country. She may get it. But she brings with her, more of the same we have had for the past 8 years. On top of that, her own questionable agendas, the same that she has accumulated with Billy Boy and all his baggage.
I hate the term “Wake Up America”. It only refers us as being a bunch of sheep wandering around waiting on the orders of our herd master to push us along. We are smarter than that. But if Hillary gets elected, then we are a nation of nothing but blind minded sheep who could care less where we are taken day after day.
This country is falling apart at the seams and the liberal agenda, the current President, and the Rhino’s in Washington have created a government that our forefathers did not have in mind. We had better Wake Up or we face a future that can take us into the third world as so often we are being view today by other countries. We have lost our status as a strong country due to politically correctness being stuffed down our throats. Our future is up to us. The country’s future is on the line.
I pray nightly that we can see what has happened to us is not to be allowed any longer. We can start the repair process, but it can not be started with Hillary Clinton. She can NOT be put in ANY position of controlling any part of our government. If you are unhappy with the way things are right now, She cannot be allowed to win this election.
If she wins though, it will take more than prayers to save our country. Its up to us, simple as that.