The Best There Ever Was

CIGAR 101 – Intro Into Pleasure

Perdomo CigarsI have had only two cigarettes in my 65+ years. Both were from peer pressure to “fit in the moment”; neither of which did. As a child I was surrounded by cigarette smoking. It was what it was back then; most everyone did it. My mom didn’t and I am glad of that fact. She died when i was 15 and I am sure she would have died much sooner had she smoked.

But I had an uncle that smoked cigars. My dad did too occasionally but it was my uncle Roy that I watched closely smoking his ever present cigar. What I remember about it was, it didn’t have the nasty smell the cigarettes had. In fact I sort of liked the woodsy almost cedar like aroma to them. I was way too young to be too influenced but as I grew, I never forgot my interest in the leaf.

I may have had a few cigars in my adult-hood through my 50th year, but it was when I was 52 that I was cruising around the internet reading about the sinful pleasures out there, the good coffee, the good wine, and especially the oh so good premium cigar. I really had no idea. I began to read more and more about this industry that until then, I was not even aware existed. And all of a sudden I wanted to find out much more.

Wow, I was blown away at the size of the information on what the history was, and what the different flavors and sizes, and; it was an enormous amount of information out there luring me to try this type of blend or this stick from this manufacturer or that supply house. It was to be honest, overwhelming.

So I ordered my first premium sticks from a place in Texas. I got a sampler of sorts and had no idea what to expect. What I found out quick was, a good premium cigar could be the worst taste you ever have experienced if, it is not kept in the right place; at the right temperature, and especially at the right humidity. The wrong humidity can take an exquisite smoke, and turn it into what has to be compared to animal-urine-soaked-hay. And believe me, I know what pee soaked barn hay smells like. So after acquiring a correct humidor; it was time to learn about humidity controlled areas, and Spanish cedar aging, “sure seal” technology, and humidity beads; and of course the correct solution to place in the humidor. Sounds complicated, but it really is not.

But once you get the “humi” going; and place your stash in it for a few days to get acquainted, its light up time and every time, it can be and usually is an experience you cant compare to most other “vices” you may pursue. Most cigar enthusiast say they never inhale. To get the enjoyment of the experience, you never have to inhale. It is the taste and the aroma that does it for you. Whats more is both change during the process of the cigar which can easily last for up to an hour. You NEVER want to rush it. In fact a good premium cigar will stay lit and is much more enjoyable if smoked at a rate of no more than a puff a minute. Sure you can hurry it but you don’t have to and slow is better; much better. And you never want to restart a stick that has been smoked half way through; I promise you, you will not like the taste and it can never get back to what it was when you put it down. That’s why there are so many sizes, so if you are in a rush, enjoy a small one.

I love a great cigar with a great cup of coffee, or better yet, a great adult type of libation. You can even pair a cigar with a type of wine or whiskey, or in my case, tequila!

This entry will not go into much specifics on what it what in regards to sizes, wrappers, colors, and specific tastes. My aim with this category is to just, share what i like and what i have experienced. I will say this. At 65, I will never be able to experience a tenth of whats out there. I have found out a range of taste I like, size I like, and manufacEnjoyment 101tures i like, one in particular, Tabacalera Perdomo out of Miami, and grown in Esteli Nicaragua.

I have tried countless brands, and I will admit I really like a few of them but, When it comes to the difference between like and love, I always go to my Perdomo choices. Never have I had a bad experience, and always I have felt treated as true as ever enjoying what I believe is the best cigars around. I have three humidors, and more than half of my stock is Perdomo made. My next entry will let you see and hopefully enjoy the experience with me.

Until then, long ashes my friends and remember, ENJOY!

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