You Need My Contact Info?...WHY??

Do I think it is really important for me to give out my contact information? NOPE!!

However there *may* be a few people who are really moved about something I’ve said. Actually I have had threats before so maybe that’s the kind of movement I am talking about?

I don’t allow comments. Its mainly the only real control I have. It is just this is my *final* hurrah and why do I need to explain a damn thing to anyone? I will not debate anything with anyone over *my* thoughts and feelings, PERIOD!


With that being said, I suppose my email is not too much of a problem. I will just ignore if I suspect a problem so, tada!!!

danny.davis (at)

Please note two things: The link Icon is my Images and main galleries over on SmugMug Image Site. And Twitter? I go there very occasionally only! People really hate each other there !