Max - The Boss

Enter Max – A Rescue Pet


This is My Best Friend – Enter Max.

Probably going to see a lot of him off and on. He is my therapist, my companion, and my best friend. I know that’s kind of cheeky but at my age, I am lucky to have any of the three. To be honest, I don’t know what I would do without him. He is simply family, and it would be unwise to call him otherwise.

MAX1He watches TV faithfully and he lets everyone know when there is another dog on the screen. He has a complex about himself,  but he is very guarded about his space outside…if he can see it, he will let it know the boundaries that he has set up for invaders. He’s very bothered by horses, squirrels, and other dogs.

…And I love him to death……without him I am not sure my sanity could stay in check… My sanity is in check?; maybe that’s why he connects to me so much; he knows I am seriously on the edge of insanity at all times. But he works out in his mind my short temper bursts, and my needs that come in waves at times. I have had other 4-legged friends before but Max was and still is here in a time for me at a time that strains my very existence. And all he wants is water, a hug or ten a day, and of course, a bite if everything anyone eats in front of him.

Max is getting old, so am I. I think at times Max can see the pain of me getting older and I know I can see his pain at times. His back legs are starting to show arthritis and he doesn’t move as well as he use to. Sometimes I think he is waiting on me and I may be waiting on him to let go; neither of us will admit it though, so we struggle on together. Love you Max!!

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