Somehow I needed a smile today so I thought I’d step back a year or two and bring forth a few of my favorite captures with the photo bug I had.
Taking pics was one of the things I loved to do. I felt so alive doing it. I was all the time seeking out subjects to capture. I also didn’t have any eagerness whatsoever to make money at it. I wanted it to be an extreme personal hobby. And I felt I was damn good at it. But as most of the shit I do, I stopped because I was too week to get the health side of me up to par and that was my failing eyes.
It got so bad I lost the ability to manual focus. I gave all my camera stuff to my only granddaughter, Kelsey for her to have for college.
I will be adding to this occasionally. I’ll announce it on the home page
Of course one of my favorite subjects was Tanner, my next to youngest grandchild. He’s 19 now and in the USAF Guard working on the C17 at the Memphis Base.
This capture was in 2013ish and he was on a recreational swimming team. I was just shooting at one of the meets, and I caught him looking at something but I wanted to catch the water on his face in general. You can click on the image and it will display a larger view. I loved this shot.
About the same time frame as the first image I shot tanner playing baseball. I loved going to the games. Nothing better than watching a game; many have called it the perfect game.
I could shoot ballgame captures all day every day. The subjects are always moving around and they just seem to beg being captured on a camera.
This capture was from one of Kelsey’s softball games at SouthWest Community College in Memphis. This is not Kelsey in this image though. I will have to find out who this is, but before every at-bat, she took a knee and said a short prayer. It was a very private moment for her and when editing it, I made the background black and white with just her being in color. There are a few rays of artificial light from the top right corner as well.
Another part of photo editing I love to experiment with.