Unforgiven At The Front Door To Hell
There are some things that cannot be forgiven because they are too horrible for us to comprehend. Nevertheless, most things, no matter how they have
HomeReflections & Captured Mo...
There are some things that cannot be forgiven because they are too horrible for us to comprehend. Nevertheless, most things, no matter how they have
Somehow I need a smile today so I thought I’d step back a year or two and bring forth a few of my favorite captures with the photo bug I had.
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Some of the posts in this category will be private. Some will not. I guess this will be my most posted category from here on
Ethan Davis Malone Tanner Jason Moss Next week two of my grandsons will graduate high-school. It is scary how fast they grew up on me.
Listening To: My Eulogy by Various Artists He is about to graduate! I do feel old as crap at times, but HE IS ABOUT TO
On this Father’s Day, I decided to release some inner anger or better yet, some very inner confusion that I can say I’ve had for
There are changes to the way I want to post my writings. I am making changes to the way i want to write, post, scream,
Being Judged is the new way it is. But it didn’t use to be so rampart. Sort of looks like my dad’s truck. I wonder
I posted this a few weeks ago after my ex mother in law suddenly passed away. I lost someone yesterday that has been in my
This is from a Facebook post I made back in late December 2016, I think. It was a day I was sort of feeling lost
How Old Is Too Old? OK, just the facts sir! I am 66 and three months as I write this and ask myself frequently am
Again Hillary Lies; We Can Not Allow The Lies To Continue Simple Enough, Hillary Lies! She continues getting away with her lies after lies.
A Social-Media-Hiatus! Social media can be brutal, if you let it, cause it, or even just read it. So many topics are piloted by just
I have had only two cigarettes in my 65+ years. Both were from peer pressure to “fit in the moment”; neither of which did. As
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